Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes, Human Health,Disease,Immune System,Nervous System,,Digestive System,Excretory System,Endocrine System,Reproductive System,Infectious Diseases,Non-Infectious Diseases,Lifestyle Diseases,Communicable Diseases,Non-Communicable Diseases,Vaccination,Epidemiology.
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Human Health & Disease Class 12 Notes PDF (Handwritten Short Notes)
Human Health and Disease Class 12 Notes. Solutions are in PDF form below.
Human Health & Disease Class 12 Notes
Human reproduction is how new people are made. It happens when a man’s sperm joins with a woman’s egg. This makes a tiny baby called a zygote, which grows into an embryo and then a fetus. It’s really important for keeping our species going, and it involves a lot of complicated body stuff.
Here are the main points:
Male Reproductive System:
- Men have parts like testes, epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and penis.
- Testes make sperm in tiny tubes.
- Sperm get ready and wait in the epididymis before they come out during sex.
Female Reproductive System:
- Women have parts like ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and vagina.
- Ovaries make eggs in little sacs.
- Fallopian tubes move eggs from the ovaries to the uterus, where they usually join with sperm.
- Happens when sperm meets egg, making a zygote.
- Mostly happens in the fallopian tubes.
- The zygote starts splitting into more cells and sticks to the uterus.
- This is when a baby grows inside the uterus.
- It usually takes about 40 weeks, split into three parts.
- The mother’s body goes through a lot of changes to help the baby grow.
- Happens when the baby is ready to come out of the mother’s uterus.
- Makes a lot of changes in both the mother and the baby’s bodies.
- Birth is when the baby goes through the vagina, pushed by contractions in the uterus.
Reproductive Health:
- This is about things like birth control, planning when to have kids, being able to have kids, and staying healthy when having sex.
- It’s important to have access to healthcare for these things.
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):
- These are ways to help people have babies when they can’t do it naturally.
- Examples include IVF, where eggs and sperm are put together outside the body.
- ART can help people who can’t have kids on their own become parents.
Ethical and Sociocultural Considerations:
- Making babies can bring up tricky questions about things like picking the traits of your baby, using someone else to carry your baby, and how much technology to use.
- Your culture, beliefs, and how much money you have can all affect how you think about making babies.
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